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2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker


Using the same Mega 16-25-3 motor and the same thunder power 2100 lets change the amount of cells used from 3 to 4 and see what Prop and Esc will need to be used. Here we see the Max EFF went up to 90 and the EFF 89 is still very close to Max EFF. So that means you could still use the 7x7 prop with a 4 cell but its slightly over so a 7x4 would be better.

Lets see if we can get closer to Max EFF, after trying a couple prop sizes it seems the 6.5x6.5 is about as close as we can get without going over Max EFF. Looking at the motor amps for both 41.046 or 33.455 which means you need an esc of at least 40 amps.

Once you get the hang of it you can start collecting more data, like the RPM, Watts Out, Pitch Speed and Thrust to compare which best suits your needs. As you can see above, both have the same pitch speed but one has more thrust where the other has more rpms.



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