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Stryker Flight Simulator


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Stryker Models
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2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker

The FMS Flight simulator is a must have for anyone new to flying. It has many planes to choose from, including the Stryker. Best of all its free!! You will also need a game controller similar to the Logitech Game Pad for $20 at most computer stores. If you can fly the Stryker using the flight sim you can fly the real plane. Download the full FMS with Stryker models installed or if you already have the FMS and just need the Stryker models, you can download them separately below.

FMS isnt really vista compatible due to the missing D3DRM.dll file in vista's operating system. Some say after downloading the file and placing it in the FMS folder or c/windows/system32 folder it worked, yet others say it didnt. Choice is up to you.

Full FMS contains:

2k Mega Stryker (Brushless) Diamant Easy Star
Hughes  Movie Star Pitts
 Sonic Liner  Stryker (Brushed)   SU-26 Three Dee
 Transall Twin Jet  


FMS Downloads:

Full FMS (All Planes) 8.31 MB
only Stryker B Model 415 KB
only Stryker C Model 195KB

Extra Downloads:

2K Custom Landscapes for a more realistic flying area. 10 MB
2k Mega Stryker Skins for different looking stryker models. 1 MB

Install instructions (Full FMS) Open FMS.zip...Extract all. Open the new FMS folder select FMS.EXE. Choose MODEL / LOAD from the tool menu. Select any plane with .PAR at end and start flying.

Install instructions (only Stryker Model) Copy and paste contents of folder to your FMS/Model folder.

Install instructions (Landscapes) Copy and paste contents into landscape folder.

Install instructions (Skins) Copy and paste contents into model folder.

Joy Stick Setup:

Select CONTROLS from tool menu then select ANALOG CONTROL.
From the list select JOYSTICK INTERFACE.
Then select the MAPPING/CALIBRATION button.
In the new window select the CALIBRATE button. Move the joys sticks around to make sure it sees your control.
If the channel bars are moving up and down we can continue. If not, it isnt seeing your control.

Take your right joystick and push it to the far left or right and see which channel bar moves. The channel bar that moves will be the number you type in next to (Aileron) or left and right.
Now move the right joystick straight up and the channel bar that moves will be the number you type in next to (Elevator) or up and down.
Last take the left joystick and push it straight up and the channel bar that moves will be the number you type in next to (Throttle)

Adding more  functions work the same way.


Auto initialization resets your plane automatically after a crash. Select SIMULATION from tool menu. Then select OPTIONS. Place a check mark at Auto Initialization.

Fly a different plane? select MODEL from the tool menu.
Select a plane from list then hit ok.

Fly at new location? select LANDSCAPE from tool menu. Select new landscape from list then hit ok.

Hand launch or winch launch? select SIMULATION from tool menu. Tip: glider needs to be winch launched.


Try Google Earth Flight Simulator



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