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2K Fun Stryker Build

2k Fun Stryker

As we all do stupid or outrageous things when flying, the day will come when you take it a bit to far and crash. I was doing some high speed runs between trees and caught the tip a of tree branch. The plane did about 3 kart wheels then plowed into yet another tree leaving pieces of my plane everywhere. After picking up the pieces I thought... Hmmm...why not make a repair page.

Lets start with the accident I had for a basic repair. The wing tip on mine almost got cut off from a tree branch. PIC PIC PIC

 I started with the broken elevon first by removing the hinge pins holding it. PIC This can be a real pain! they are very small and will break ez. I used thin tip Hemostats to get under each side and used the center stud as a fulcrum as I pinched. PIC PIC PIC As you can see in this PIC the hinges broke before the foam ripped out after the crash, thats why its important to use FG, tape, glue or what ever else you can find to strengthen this thin foam area as its a weak point. If the foam rips out its pretty much over. When putting elevons back on use a dab of glue before attaching. PIC

On the wing tip I cut off the FG layer with an exacto knife to remove any crinkles and have better access to the crack. PIC I cut a tiny piece of junk foam and glued it in the gouged area to fill it in. (any foam will work as filler in deep gouges) The remaining crack was filled with the lite weight spackling paste. PIC After sanding flat I cut a small piece of FG and mixwaxed over it then painted. Good as new again. PIC PIC



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